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5 ways to stick with your ‘exercise more’ New Year’s resolution in 2024, from a New York doctor
Dr. Alexis Colvin, a professor of orthopedic surgery at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City, shared with Fox News Digital five ways to get back into shape this year.
New York doctor gives 5 tips for staying active outdoors during the cold winter months
Dr. Colvin is an orthopedic surgeon at the Mount Sinai Health System in New York who shared tips for exercising safely outdoors this winter.
Experts’ Recovery Tips For When The (Marathon) Party’s All Over
Doctors and other sports industry experts advise on the best post-race recovery practices ahead of the fall marathon season.
How to Workout Safely (and Avoid Heat Exhaustion) When It's Boiling Hot Outside
When it's hot as can be, is it still safe to go forth with your normal outdoor workout? Sure, you could cave and join a gym that blasts AC all day. The other option is to give up on exercise entirely until the temperature subsides, but that could be months (or never, if you're in a perennially warm location), and you can't stay cooped up and sedentary forever! We've all got to move.
Regular weightlifting may extend your life, a new study suggests
An analysis of data from nearly 100,000 older adults revealed that exercising with weights was associated with a 9% to 22% lower risk of death, with the variation due to the amount of time spent weight lifting.