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  • Dr. Colvin discusses closing the gender gap

    “Females tend to have more body fat, which makes them more buoyant in the water, and that can sometimes help in terms of speed,” said Alexis Colvin, assistant professor of orthopedics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

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  • Watch Dr. Colvin talk about sports, concussions and children

    Dr. Alexis Colvin explains warnings signs that parents need to know

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  • Dr. Colvin on Michael Pineda’s labrum tear

    Dr. Alexis C. Colvin, an orthopedic surgeon at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine Dept. of Orthopaedics, confirmed Pineda is likely to miss a full year because of a labrum tear in his right shoulder.

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  • Dr. Colvin talks about common basketball injuries

    So what should you do when you land badly and an ankle starts to swell? Or you try to intercept a pass and jam a finger? I got some advice from Dr. Alexis Colvin, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York on common basketball injuries and how to deal with them.

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  • Dr. Colvin discusses concussion management in NFL players

    “It’ll be up to the doctor evaluating him,” said Dr. Alexis Colvin, an orthopedic surgeon in sports medicine and expert in concussions at New York’s Mount Sinai Medical Center. “If he meets all the criteria, he can play. The thing is, it’s such an evolving field now. Under the old rules, it’d be ‘if he lost consciousness for this amount of minutes, he misses this amount of time.’ It’s not cut-and-dry like that anymore.”

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